Botulinum Toxin Cost in Honolulu Hawaii

By: Dr. Michael Pasquale

How is Botulinum Toxin priced out?

What does the cost of Botulinum Toxin really mean, and how can you get your best bargain? Many people call our office over the phone and want to know “How Much will it cost to Botulinum Toxin® Cosmetic this area or that area” This is a VERY difficult question to answer over the phone. Sure you can call many places and get quotes, but there is simply no way a plastic surgeon can tell you specifically what it will cost until he can see the area. So what we are doing with phone quotes is giving you an estimate based on pure speculation. That’s not good nor accurate. Different people have different muscle and nerve patterns so one size does not fit all.

Each Face is Different

Facial muscles are complex and each of us has a different level of metabolism, facial activity and the like. So what may be a enough Botulinum Toxin® Cosmetic for one persons “area” may not be enough or too much for another person area. I for example have a very active forehead area and I find that I need twice as much as most people to achieve the effect I am looking for. My crows feet around the eyes require less than most people. That’s just the way it is and that is why quotes over the phone are not a great idea.

Everyone is Injecting Botulinum Toxin

Now that Botulinum Toxin® Cosmetic, has become a popular procedure every physician and nurse has jumped on the bandwagon and there is a wide range of skill and knowledge each has. Some practitioners have little experience. Yes, it is a simple procedure, but be careful. We have heard stories of some unethical physicians using the same needle twice to save cost. Sad, but this could be true and even I find it hard to believe, but we have all heard worse. As a user of Botulinum Toxin® Cosmetic, I would not want to find out the hard way with hepatitis or other transmitted disease from dirty needles that my cost savings idea was a mistake.

When seeking the best value for your dollar in Botulinum Toxin® Cosmetic don’t be mislead by the cheapest price. Some practitioners will be diluting (adding fluid) so much so that the length of time Botulinum Toxin® Cosmetic will last will be decreased or effectiveness may decreases. Sure this lowers the cost to you at the time and allows you to receive a lower quote. Yet what savings is involved if it’s not the same effect or value and you have to pay for extra injections.

We use the proper amount of Botulinum Toxin® Cosmetic, which we believe to be around 10 units per muscle to be weakened which last the longest. Use less than this and we find it does not last as long or weaken the muscle as much as we would like. in other words its just not as effective.

Fake Botulinum Toxin Products

If some one tells you the cost is lower, than what it cost the physician to obtain from the manufacturer this would be a key that something is not right. Is he or she diluting it or using an alternate cheaper product? Sure we could provide you with Botulinum Toxin® Cosmetic for an area at a cost of around $25, but this would simply not be enough. There is simply no way that practitioners can vary too much as the cost to them is the same!

The cost to physicians is around 6.00 per unit which means 10 units cost the physician $80.00 plus shipping plus his and his staffs time. Don’t forget the doctors time as well. Most physicians, as with any occupation don’t want to do things for free. So if your getting your Botulinum Toxin® Cosmetic less than $150 per area I would wonder why? Is it the experience or is it diluted ? Even at that price its very cheap and most plastic surgeons would not do that.

We have been performing Botulinum Toxin® Cosmetic injections for over 25 years and from our experience we feel that about $200 per area is in the best interest of you as our patient and for our practice. Its not simply it cost less at the other place. However this is just guideline and we vary depending on what we believe you will need.

Given this information we want you to decide, but have the facts and know what you’re getting for your money. Don’t be fooled by cheap prices by someone other than a very qualified practitioner.

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Honolulu Hawaii Plastic Surgeon

677 Ala Moana Blvd Suite 1024 Honolulu Hawaii 96813