Breast Augmentation Cost in Honolulu Hawaii

By: Dr. Michael Pasquale

The cost of breast augmentation surgery in Honolulu Hawaii, and also at our clinic, ranges from $9,000.00 – $12,000.00. The average cost of breast augmentation in Hawaii is difficult to determine but it likely falls around the $10,000.00 area. It of course depends on what type of implants are used (saline, silicone, textured, high profile etc.) and the particular type of surgery such as replacing old breast implants with a different size versus performing a first time breast augmentation. There are times where we might run breast augmentation specials for as low as $9,000.00, depending on the time of year and certain surgical constraints or limitations. An average, healthy patient with no medical or anatomical concerns can expect to pay around $11,000.00 during normal or peak season or as low as $9,000.00 during a downtime or off season.

While there are a lot of factors and variables that affect the price of breast augmentation, we have attempted to breakdown the cost of breast augmentation as best we can below. There is no possible way to accurately pin down the cost of breast augmentation or any plastic surgery procedure without a consultation between the surgeon and patient to determine the answers to all the variables.

Average Price for Breast Augmentation in the USA

The breakdown of the cost for breast augmentation surgery reveals that most of the expense is for: surgeon's fee, anesthesia, breast implants and operating room fees.
The breakdown of the cost for breast augmentation surgery reveals that most of the expense is for: surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, breast implants and operating room fees.

According to the 2023 data from the authoritative American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the national average cost of breast augmentation surgery is $4500.00 This is a very misleading number though. It doesn’t include any of the other fees for services that are necessary to breast augmentation surgery, which can increase the cost quite a lot. Additional cost are supply cost, anesthesia cost and operating room fees. Breast augmentation prices can vary wildly depending on exactly which type of breast augmentation surgery you need or choose, where you have the surgery, your overall health and anatomy, and the surgeon who performs the surgery. If you are comparing prices of breast implants or other breast surgery, make sure you know what the quote you receive from your surgeon includes. These services and other variables are broken down and listed below.

Why is Breast Augmentation so Expensive? Is it worth it?

When you consider the expense realize the breast size of a woman isn’t just a number in her vital statistics or something to go by when buying the correct bra, but in fact it has far reaching effects in a woman’s life. It effects her clothing options, the way she appears and most importantly how she sees herself as an attractive individual. When girls mature they wait for their breasts to grow into a size and shape of their desire, unfortunately sometimes nature seems to have different plans. Breast augmentation is the solution that women across the world have been looking for decades. Essentially breast augmentation is the increase in breast size and shape with the use of breast implants. These breast implants are inserted in the breast region to get the desired size and shape. Advances in plastic surgery have made it possible for women to choose which shape and size they want to be and this gives them a well proportioned and attractive look and does wonders for their confidence and self esteem. Honolulu, Hawaii offers these services by some of the best plastic and cosmetic surgeons in the world.

So unlike other ways to increase the appearance of the breasts from padded and push-up bras to stuffing them with tissue, breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that aims at providing women with an increase in breast size that looks natural and is safe. Thus even if you are in a bikini or naked your breast size remains the same unlike the other external options of increasing breast appearance.

Breast augmentation costs are high as it is a permanent solution which require the expertise of a plastic surgeon. This surgical procedure is like any other surgical procedure and would include aspects such as anesthesia, post operative care, etc. These are expensive professional services. Dr. Michael Pasquale, his anesthetist and staff are professionals, with years of training, experience and specialized expertise which contribute to the cost.

  • Surgeons Fee (time & experience)
  • Anesthesia
  • Breast Implants
  • Operating Room Costs
  • Again breast augmentation cost in Honolulu, Hawaii is affected by the experience of the surgeon who is performing the procedure. His staff cost and the meeting of saftey requirements.This is one of the independent variables.
  • Breast implant procedure cost needs to be discussed well with the surgeon so that you have a clear picture of what lies ahead. If the breast augmentation cost is quoted lower than by other surgeons there may be hidden additional costs.So dont be shy about asking for all the details you need to make an informed decision.
  • Breast augmentation cost in Honolulu, Hawaii varies-as it does from state to state and depends on the cosmetic surgeon. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons says that breast implant prices cost around $5,000-$9,000.
  • Breast augmentation cost in Honolulu, Hawaii is effected not just by the cost of the implant per se or the dedicated expertise of the cosmetic surgeon, but also by other factors such as anesthesia, pre and post operative care, medications, etc.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Michael A. Pasquale

Consultations allow a plastic surgeon to evaluate you and answer all the important questions that are impossible to answer otherwise, such as surgery options and surgery prices etc, All consultations are complementary and by appointment only.

There is no way to obtain an accurate price on breast augmentation without consulting with the patient personally, examining the patient and reviewing the medical history. The best way to get an accurate quote is to call (808-737-0205) or contact us via email to schedule a consultation with one of our patient coordinators and meet with Dr. Pasquale personally. It is important you discuss all aspects of the breast surgery from breast augmentation costs, risks involved, type of breast implant to be used, the size you want to move to, etc. Breast augmentation is a serious medical procedure and it should not be compromised by looking for a deal that seems super cheap.

Schedule a Consultation

All consultations are complementary.

Consultations are by appointment only.

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(808) 945-5433

Honolulu Hawaii Plastic Surgeon

677 Ala Moana Blvd Suite 1024 Honolulu Hawaii 96813