Blepharoplasty Cost in Honolulu Hawaii

By: Dr. Michael Pasquale

Cosmetic surgery has given people an option of changing the way they look in order to appear more attractive. But as in all good things in life this one also comes with a price. Cosmetic eyelid surgery requires the services of a plastic or cosmetic surgeon and is performed under local or general anesthesia. The cost of cosmetic eyelid surgery would include more than just the cost of the surgeon’s expertise and services and thus it is important to understand the procedure before one can comprehend the costs involved. Honolulu, Hawaii is a great location to have cosmetic eyelid surgery and offers the very best in surgical and medical care. Honolulu is the home to many top surgeons such as Dr. Michael Pasquale who has completed his residency in plastic surgery and gone on to do a 2-year training certificate in cosmetic surgery from NYU Downtown, Manhattan, New York. He is Board Certified in Plastic Surgery and also he is an osteopathic physician and a surgeon. Dr. Pasquale is an experienced and talented surgeon with regards to eyelid surgery.

Procedure for Cosmetic Eyelid Surgery

Cosmetic eyelid surgery usually takes between 1-3 hours and may be performed on the upper or lower eyelids or on both. This would understandably affect the cost of the cosmetic eyelid surgery. Since the surgery is performed under anesthesia the services of an anesthetist are utilized and also associated medical care requires to be provided. The surgery involves making incisions in the eyelids and removal of excess skin, muscle and fat, as is required from case to case. The incisions are closed with fine sutures and bandages placed. Post operative care is essential and crucial to the healing of the scars.

Cost of Blepharoplasty

When choosing a cosmetic or plastic surgeon it is advisable that you don’t base your decision on only the cost involved. That doesn’t obviously mean that the most expensive surgeon is the best one to go with. It is important that the surgeon is qualified, experienced and proficient. The cost of cosmetic eyelid surgery would vary from region to region and also on the surgeon. On an average cosmetic eyelid surgery for upper or lower eyelid surgery could cost about $2000-$4000. For both sets of eyelids lower and upper the cost would probably go up by 40%.

  • Don’t consider the plastic or cosmetic surgeon’s fees as the only cost involved in the cosmetic eyelid surgery. Some additional costs may include the following;
  • Fees for the operating room
  • Fees for medical services available at hand during the surgery
  • Fees for administration of anesthesia and that of the anesthetist
  • Fees for before and after photography
  • Laboratory costs.
  • Cost of medications
  • Cost of pre and post operative care

It is a good idea to survey the services and costs offered by various surgeons in your area and also in neighboring regions. You want to select a surgeon who gives you a clear view of what all to expect of the surgery, including the costs involved. Be careful when comparing prices. A cosmetic surgeon who may never had a complete residency in plastic surgery typically charge less. While a board certified plastic surgeon may charge more and the experience of the surgeon may be an additional cost factor as well. A new surgeon who is not board certified yet or a surgeon who dos not perform the surgery often may charge less for cosmetic eyelid surgery.

Also the type of staff must be considered when evaluating cost. Are there registered licensed nurses? At our Honolulu clinic we have two registered nurses available for example some clinics may only have medical aides or non credentialed assistants.

Just like anything else the cost you pay will reflect the quality. If the price seems too low then you may question why? Is it because the surgeon is not performing the same procedure on the eyelids as another who offers you a lower cost.

Cost of eyelid surgery will vary depending on how complicated the eyelid procedure or procedures are. A simple removal of skin will cost less than reshaping the eyelid area or removal of fat from the eyelids. Make sure you know exactly what the surgeons plan is and have a written estimate of the cost involved for any cosmetic surgery of the eyelids your are considering.

It may be found these add on costs are as expensive as the cosmetic eyelid surgery itself and thus, it is important that details regarding the cost of cosmetic eyelid surgery are discussed and settled before the surgery. You would like to ensure that you are sure of the services you will receive from the surgeon including the post operative care, which is usually of 90 days.

When you are considering cosmetic eyelid surgery consider coming to the Plastic Surgery Clinic of Dr. Michael Anthony Pasquale. This is located in Honolulu Hawaii and you can have your cosmetic eyelid surgery done and enjoy the wonderful paradise which is Hawaii. Call us for a consultation today.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Michael A. Pasquale

Consultations allow a plastic surgeon to evaluate you and answer all the important questions that are impossible to answer otherwise, such as surgery options and surgery prices etc, All consultations are complementary and by appointment only.

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Consultations are by appointment only.

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Honolulu Hawaii Plastic Surgeon

677 Ala Moana Blvd Suite 1024 Honolulu Hawaii 96813