Lazer Facelift in Honolulu Hawaii

Dr. Michael Pasquale

Lazer Facelift

Dr. Pasquale has acquired the newest technology for nonsurgical facial rejuvenation including the new Precision Laser otherwise known as the LAZERLIFT. The LAZERLIFT is a remarkable non surgical means of tightening facial skin unlike anything previously developed. Outside a traditional surgical facelift this is the next best thing.

The lift is produced by a very special LASER developed just for this purpose. The traditional LASER skin tightening procedures are done by focusing a beam on the skin from out side of the body. This technology does so from inside the face. Thats right ! Now we have the ability to focus the beam where it counts inside the face.


The danger of using a LASER beam previously was the fear of heat harming the facial nerves. However now this remarkable technology provides a safety feature which does not allow the temperature to become high enough to damage nerves, only tighten tissue. That is one very special feature which makes this possible. There simply was not any type of technology available which did this previously.

Candidates for LAZERLIFT, the non surgical face lift

The perfect candidate for this procedure is someone who has only moderate facial aging, not someone who has a lot of loose skin. Doctor Pasquale will advise you if you need a surgical lift instead to prevent disappointment. This is a judgement which can only be made at consultation with a proper facial examination.

What age is best?

Age is not the determine factor someone in their 30’s who has genetically loose skin can be helped by this procedure. Then there are many who are over 60 who may not have a lot of loose skin so this will tighten as much as is needed. Each person is different and individual evaluation will be needed.

Down Time – How long is recovery

The LAZERLIFT itself only take 30-40 minutes to perform and is done under local anesthesia. The recovery is remarkably short especially when compared to traditional face lifting. This may be minor swelling with a very short recover time as little as a few days but this will depend on many factors which need to be discussed with Dr. Pasquale.

Result fron LAZER LIFT

The results develop over time and may continue tightening for up to 6 months to a year. This is one advantage as you do not go back to work with everyone knowing you had extensive cosmetic surgery. At first they may notice you well rested or just better but as time progresses and the skin tightens over time the results will show more and more but gradually so people will not realize what was done , they just know you look better. This is from some of the early reports. Yet Dr. Pasquale cautions you, this procedure is not very every patient and will not yield the same result. Yet that is the biggest advantage to seeing Dr. Pasquale who is a fully trained and certified plastic surgeon who can advise you if another procedure may be more appropriate for you. The final decision will need to be at consultation.

Dr. Pasquale does not charge for initial consultations for cosmetic patients so why not give our office a call or send us an email. Also we will be holding seminars in the future so get your self placed on our mailing list today.

The LAZERLIFT is a marketing name for a LASER device which is a Nd:YAG 1440nm wavelength LASER. This is made by Cynosure and the treatment wand (hand piece) is made such that it is perfect size for the face and neck areas. This design is why it is so applicable to contour small areas.

This unique designed can tighten and shape around the jowls, midface and neck. Some surgeons will do this with other devices to some degree,but this is truly the best for non surgical tightening of the facial skin by a LASER technique.


Unlike traditional LASER’s where skin tightening is done from heat focused on the outside skin this is done on the inside. This device is inserted inside the face through a very small hole which does not require stitching. Thus its not the ablative LASER way in which skin was tightened from the outside as with the CO2 LASER. This is is in closer contact with the tissues which require contour and tightening from inside out. It also has the advantage of tightening a second layer of tissue not possible with the traditional techniques.


The best LASER for this in Dr. Pasquale’s opinion is the old Coherant 6000C CO2 LASER. This really does a nice job in both treating the sun damaged skin’s surface since it destroys the outer layer of skin which regrows smooth and without the sun damage but also generates collagen in the deeper layers. The healing process is a bit long and difficult but the results are excellent. In Asians there is the big risk of hyperpigmentation which can last for years.


The LASER fiber is inserted underneath the skin and heats the inside so that the epidermis or visible skin is not damaged so there is no visible ablation and only the inner layers are changed. This should not result in hyperpigmentation in Asians and onl result in minimal swelling. Yet this does stimulate collengenisis and does tighten the tissues. So that is how this LASER overcomes the earlier technology.

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(808) 945-5433

Honolulu Hawaii Plastic Surgeon

677 Ala Moana Blvd Suite 1024 Honolulu Hawaii 96813