Otoplasty Ear Pinning in Honolulu Hawaii

By: Dr. Michael Pasquale

Ear surgery or otoplasty is a surgical procedure used to resculpt and reshape the larger than average ears by setting prominent ears back closer to the head. Otoplasty can reshape deformed or protruding ears. Otoplasty, also known as ear pinning (or ear shaping with plastic surgery) brings the ears back close to the head or reshapes the ears. This improves the appearance of the ear, face, and head as they relate to each other proportionally.

Otoplasty is typically performed on people who’s ears stick out too far or have disproportionate ears compared to their face. Many people complain of suffering embarrassment much of their life due to their ears. This surgical cosmetic technique is used to reform the ears. Dr.Pasquale in Honolulu Hawaii has performed hundreds of Otoplasty procedures and in fact has his own technique which shows less risk of reoccurance. This he feels is much better than the standard Mustardé techniques used by many surgeons. Most of our patients are back to work in two days though they are required to wear a head band for a few days in the evening.

Otoplasty Ear Pinning Before & After Photos

Photos below are real before and after pictures of otoplasty ear pinning patients of Dr. Michael A. Pasquale. Results may vary.

Otoplasty Incisions

The doctor can reshape the ears if they are too far sticking out. This is done through an invisible incision behind the ear so there is no visible scar. This is a simple procedure which can be done as an outpatient. You do not need to go to sleep or have general anesthesia.

Occasionally we see patients who only need one ear done for otoplasty. The ear can be reshaped to match the other ear in many cases.

Otoplasy Recovery

For recovery, all you need to do is wear a head band much like the one skiers wear for one week. In otoplasty, there are typically no stitches to remove and usually you can go back to work in a day or so.

Otoplasty Cost

Otoplasty cost according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) average is 3000.00 USD, but this is only the surgeons fee. One must also consider the cost of the operating room, nurses and the equipment used. The surgeons fee does not cover this cost. So these factors must be considered in your quote.

The cost of otoplasty is reasonable but will depend on how much time will be needed and other considerations. The cost factors you will find will depend on the expertise and experience of your surgeon and type of anesthesia. We at the infinity life center charge average price of 3500.00 with local anesthesia. Some discounts may apply and in case of general anesthesia the cost may be more.

Otoplasty prices in Honolulu Hawaii

In Honolulu Hawaii everything as you may know is a bit more expensive, primarily due to the fact we have to ship things in and the high tax rate here and cost of living. Medical supplies and equipment are not any different. We at the Infinity Life Center try to keep the cost as low as possible for our clients for all of our procedures including otoplasty, yet we do not sacrifice quality or safety.

The cost in Honolulu ranges from around 2700.00 to over 7000.00 depending on factors such as the surgeon, the type of anesthesia and how complex your individual case is. Some otoplasty operations require much more complex surgery and others are straight forward. This should be explained to you at your consultation.

The cost of the initial consultation for otoplasty at this time is complimentary. Our average price for a typical otoplasty patient is 3500.00 USD which is always subject to change. This would be under local anesthsia which is very comfortable. Financing is available.

Otoplasty Complications

Otoplasty technically is when plastic surgery is done on the ear, although most commonly the procedure is “ear pinning”. That is when the ears stick out in an unattractive manner. The ear itself is a rather interesting structure since it has a very unique shape and purpose. Its a remarkably consistent structure from human to human but does have its share of issues. The unique cartilage structure covered with tightly adherent skin can be difficult to repair when damaged. Just look at all of those boxers who have suffered repetetive trauma resulting in califlower ear.

Complications of Otoplasty are uncommon today, though like any surgical procedure they can occur. The type of complication you may see will depend on what type of otoplasty is carried out. The more complex the procedure the more likely there will be a complication. The less complicated the procedure less likely you will have an otoplasty complication.

We will talk about “ear pinning” specifically (since that is the most common procedure) and what we can do to prevent the complications.

Seroma formation in otoplasty

Seroma formation is a fluid buildup between the skin and the cartilage. This can actually result in cauliflower ear. We place compression on the ear after surgery which prevents the fluid buildup and if it occurs we drain it quickly. This complication is rare.


Any tissue after surgery can become infected so we place our patients on anti-biotics prior to surgery and we find that this almost 100% eliminates this complication.

Re-occurance of ears that stick out

Our surgical technique is very precise and we actually remove some of the offending cartilage which prevents this. Some standard accepted techniques do not remove the cartilage but fold it over it with stitches on the inside. If the stitch breaks then the ear can stick out again. Our technique has not had a re-occurance. We also have our patients wear a head band to help the ear heal in its new position.

Asymmetry meaning uneven ears

This can occur with one ear not the same as the other as far as sticking our or other variations. By using precise measurements and a good artistic eye this can be prevented though at times may occur. A simple revision surgery typically will correct complications.

Other complications of otoplasty

Although there are many complications, the ones above are the most common though any compication is rare. The others are so rare that they are hardly worth mentioning. However you will be informed of even the most rare complication at your consultation.

We at the Infinity Life Center maintain the highest standards and do all that is possible to prevent complications. We are also very good at fixing bad Otoplasties as well unsatisfactory results. So why not come in for a consultation which is without charge for a initial cosmetic consultations. We enjoy speaking about Otoplasty and sharing our expertise.

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(808) 945-5433

Honolulu Hawaii Plastic Surgeon

677 Ala Moana Blvd Suite 1024 Honolulu Hawaii 96813