How many men get facelifts? in Honolulu Hawaii

By: Dr. Michael Pasquale

A total of 103,000 face lifts were performed in 2009. Of those, 9% or about 9000 of them were men. This is a low number of men getting face lifts compared to women. Those that do are suffering from sagging jowls, wrinkles, and sagging cheeks and want to have a more youthful appearance for work or social life. This is still a significant number for men.

Though the number of men getting facelifts is small compared to women that number is definitely on the rise with mounting competition for job related reasons or simply to be more attractive to others. When men have face lift surgery, the surgery proceeds much the way of female facelifts with a few subtle changes related to male anatomy. In addition, men can be suffering from a receding hairline and there can be problems in getting a temporal incision to look nondescript. In such cases, the incision is placed in a crease in the head or along the existing hairline. This incision may extend from the temporal area to the earlobe and then incisions will go behind the ear so that is not seen. Great care must be taken from male facelifts so then scars will be invisible.

At the Infinity Life Center we commonly see in consultation men who want to think about getting a facelift. We try to present very good options for men, who may have special needs. Time off from work is an important consideration, as well as time off from physical exercise and the like. More woman are stay at home or not fully in the work force as men so this may account for the fact that more women than men receive facelifts.

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