A deep plane facelift is one good way to take back the aging that naturally occurs in most people when big jowls are present. Some people get a few wrinkles and feel they need for a face lift others have large overhang of deeper tissue called jowls. People develop deep jowls in their lower cheeks—jowl areas that make them look old and very full-faced. Jowls happen when the deeper facial tissue sag due to gravity, making what appears to be a “fat roll” hanging off the cheeks. Jowls are the hallmark of a face that is aging and it is present in to some degree in most people by the age of 50 years.

A more complex procedure than simple skin lift for jowls.
Heavy jowls corrected by face lift need special techniques in order to restore the face to its normal, more youthful appearance. Many plastic surgeons turn to one of the deep plane lifts such as SMAS facelift, in order to take care of the jowls that hang down over the sides of the chin and over the mouth area. A mini facelift is not a good solution for jowls. Though an easier procedure, that may not be a good idea when a more complex procedure is needed. When the jowls are corrected by the plastic surgeon he must dissects not only the skin, but deep deep muscle tissue. That is a big difference from simple skin lifting and must be done by an expert who knows the anatomy very well.
What causes jowls?
You can have jowls because of heredity aging and host of causes. All of these affect the elasticity of the skin so it begins to sag, but more so the deeper layers. If there is some fat in the jowl area, it hangs down with the skin to be a roll that flops down on the cheeks.
When jowls are corrected by deep plane facelift the recovery will be longer for this is a more complex facelift. Yet you will want to do what is the best procedure for your individual case. Talk to us here at the Infinity Life Center about which kind of facelift you’ll need. It can be a mini face lift if just the skin which needs treating and no other part of the face is in need of a facelift. However if it’s a heavy deep tissue the more extensive jowl correcting procedure will be needed.
At the Infinity Life Center our plastic surgeons are well versed in the type of facelift you will need to correct jowls and heavy hanging tissues. Give us a call to see if we have the right solution for you or use the contact form.