Labiaplasty in Honolulu Hawaii

By: Dr. Michael Pasquale

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon – Dr. Michael Anthony Pasquale D.O. specializes in labiaplasty, vaginoplasty and many other female cosmetic surgery procedures at his Plastic Surgery Hawaii Honolulu clinic. Many women are self conscious with their genitalia because of large labia minora (lips). In some cases, a woman with large or floppy inner genital lips can have pain and irritation during sexual intercourse or possibly while riding a bicycle or even exercise. Many times a thick, asymmetrical labia can be noticed through form fitting clothing, making a woman feel unattractive and uncomfortable. The women who elect to have labiaplasty surgery are usually concerned with their self image and sometimes feel embarrassment with their sexual partner. Labiaplasty surgery performed by a skilled and experienced plastic surgeon can remedy many of these issues.

Labiaplasty is a procedure to reshape or reduce the labia minora by removing or reshaping the tissue of the labia. This will lead to a more symmetrical clean and appealing appearance. These large protuberance of the labia minora can be caused by genetics, injury, sexual intercourse, childbirth or just plain aging. Labiaplasty surgery can restore a woman’s self esteem and help with confidence. The Labiaplasty can result in a more youthful appearance to the genitalia.

Labiaplasty Honolulu Hawaii

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Pasquale performs a procedure he developed for labiaplasty that retains the individual shape (if wanted) minimizes any scar and prevents pigmentation change. With all the procedures, Dr. Pasquale achieves a final result that will minimize scarring and will appear as if no surgery had been done. Most of our patients are more than pleased with the transformation achieved through labiaplasty surgery.

Before the Labiaplasty Surgery

Pre-operative education and understanding is essential to the best outcome of cosmetic surgery. Labiaplasty as a cosmetic procedure is no different. The results of your surgery depend largely on your complete understanding and compliance with all pre and post operative instructions that are given to you by Dr. Pasquale and his clinical staff.

Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Michael Pasquale and his staff in Hawaii will make sure that you have a full understanding of the details of your post labiaplasty care and recovery. You will be given pre-operative antibiotics which you should take until complete. As well as pain medication prescriptions which should easily make you feel comfortable after your labiaplasty surgery.

We also have a postoperative kit with instructions on the proper care of your labiplasty surgical site. This kit includes the essentials, however it may be a good idea to pick up a box of old fashion vaginal pads to use as a dressings.

After the Labiaplasty Surgery

You will need someone to drive you home after the procedure or to your hotel room. It’s a good idea to have someone with you for 24 hours after the procedure. If you do not have anyone, our staff may stay with you on an individual arrangement.

As with all cosmetic surgery in our Hawaii clinic you, will need to be given written instructions and pre-operative packet in which there is a list of medications to avoid as well. It is important that certain medications such as aspirin are avoided at least two weeks before labiaplasty surgery. If you live in another state or country we will provide this information in the mail or email prior to your arrival in Hawaii for your labiaplasty surgery.

Labiaplasty Cost

Many people who consider labiaplasty or other cosmetic procedures wonder if they can afford this. Labiaplasty is typically elective cosmetic surgery which would take a normal (there is a wide range of normal) appearance and cosmetically enhances the genital appearance. Since this is a cosmetic procedure it is not normally covered by health insurance. So the patient must pay out of pocket for labiaplasty.

Prices range from $3500.00 to well over $8000.00 USD depending on who performs the procedure, exactly what is required and location. Simple excision of labia tissue may be slight less expensive and extensive tissue rearrange will of course cost more.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Michael A. Pasquale

Consultations allow a plastic surgeon to evaluate you and answer all the important questions that are impossible to answer otherwise, such as surgery options and surgery prices etc, All consultations are complementary and by appointment only.

Labiaplasty prices in Hawaii

Labiaplasty surgery is not inexpensive when performed by experienced surgeons such as Dr. Pasquale. You pay for experience and that expertise.In the long run its a lot less costly than paying to have it redone.

Our clinic has been performing labiaplaty surgery much longer than most clinics long before it became popular. We performed our first genital reconstruction in 1990 and first labiaplasty in 1993 in Hawaii.

In fact before it became popular Dr. Pasquale was asked by the Cosmetic Gynecology Society to teach the course here in the USA. Recently he has given lectures both in China, Japan and Korea.

We have many articles as you can see not only the labiaplasty cost in Hawaii but on wide variety of considerations. We want to inform honestly and with valuable information in which they can make a good decision if the Labiaplasty procedure is the one they want to undertake. Its not particularly a painful procedure but like all of surgery one must consider the risk as well as the benifit.

Again Labiaplasty is an operation must be done correctly and it will be more costly to have correction of a bad result. Saving money on less expensive surgeons may not result in a lower cost for labiaplasty.

Fly in to Hawaii for VIP treatment

At Dr. Pasquale’s clinic many people choose to fly in from mainland USA or elsewhere have this done and also make a nice vacation out of it in Hawaii. They arrive in Hawaii have the labiaplasty procedure and within a few days are on the beach. Of course until healing is completed they cannot under go strenuous activity, however enjoying the sun and beach in Hawaii is very possible.

We have concierge services which can take care of you from the minute you land at the airport. Our facility is amazing as is Hawaii. So why not call and discuss your concerns and desires today?

Labiaplasty Pre-op

Pre-operative education and understanding is essential to the best outcome of cosmetic surgery. Labiaplasty as a cosmetic procedure is no different. The results of your surgery depend largely on your complete understanding and compliance with all pre and post operative instructions that are given to you by Dr. Pasquale and his clinical staff.

Plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Pasquale and his staff in Hawaii will make sure that you have a full understanding of the details of your post operative labiaplasty care and recovery.

You will be given pre-operative antibiotics which you should take until complete. As well as pain medication prescriptions which should easily make you feel comfortable after your labiaplasty surgery.

We also have a postoperative kit with instructions on the proper care of your labiplasty surgical site. This kit includes the essentials, however it may be a good idea to pick up a box of old fashion vaginal pads to use as a dressings.

You will need someone to drive you home after the procedure or to your hotel room. Its a good idea to have someone with you for 24 hours after the procedure. If you do not have anyone, our staff may stay with you on an indivdual arrangement.

As with all cosmetic surgery in our Hawaii clinic you, will need to be given written instructions and pre-operative packet in which there is a list of medications to avoid as well. It is important that certain medications such as aspirin are avoided at least two weeks before labiaplasty surgery. If you live in another state or country we will provide this information in the mail or email prior to your arrival in Hawaii for your labiaplasty surgery.

Labiaplasty Risks

All cosmetic surgery carries some degree of risk and complication. A labiaplasty is no different and can result in unwanted scarring and infection. Although these events are infrequent, they sometimes can occur. Plastic surgeons who perform this procedure report low rates of complications and side effects, ranging between 1-3%.

Some possible rare complications are :

  • blood clots
  • infection
  • skin loss
  • asymmetrical lips
  • loss of sensation / pain
  • scar overgrowth
  • recurrence of labial growth

Complications are extremely rare with the labiaplasty procedure. As with all of our plastic surgery patients, there are thorough discussions and medical background checks done at the initial consultation and the pre operative appointment for labiaplasty surgery. Dr. Pasquale will always make an expert determination with the primary concern being the patients health and wellness, not just the cosmetic improvement. The degree of risk involved with any surgery can be greatly affected by the plastic surgeon you choose. Labiaplasty surgery should be performed by a trained & experienced, board certified plastic surgeon. Complications related to labiaplasty surgery can also be lessened by strict adherence to pre and post-operative instructions given by Dr. Pasquale and his clinical staff.

Labiaplasty FAQ

Does Dr. Pasquale perform labiaplasty frequently?

Yes, in our Hawaii Clinic we have patients fly in from around the globe and we perform this procedure every week.

My Ob-gyn also performs this procedure and Dr. Pasquale is a plastic surgeon, does it make a difference?

Although many Ob-Gyn doctors perform this procedure, their orientation during training is for functional problems and plastic surgeons are oriented toward aesthetics and beauty. More important is the experience of the surgeon and his technique. Dr. Pasquale is an experienced labiaplasty surgeon.

Why should I choose Dr. Pasquale over others?

Dr. Pasquale is one of the most highly trained board certified plastic surgeons, not only has he completed the requirements of a general surgeon (5 years), completed a residency in Plastic Surgery (2 years) but he has also completed a two year program in Cosmetic Surgery in Manhattan NY. Yet as important as training is, Dr. Pasquale is easy to speak with and he is sensitive to your needs and provides a comfortable confidential atmosphere as does his staff. We look out for you and your needs.

What will take place during the consultation for labiaplasty?

When you contact us by email or phone, an apointment will be made for a confidential labiaplasty consultation. You will then be assigned a personal patient coordinator whose sole purpose is to make sure that your consultation goes well, sets up a schedule and prepares your administrative work. She will introduce you to Dr. Pasquale and be present during the consultation providing you with written information, before and after labiaplasty photos and the like. She can help with financial arrangements as well. You will meet Dr. Pasquale who will review with you all the labaiplasty information you need and options. You will be provided with a written quotation for cost, as well as scheduling information. This can be done via a virtual consultation as well as using email.

Where is the labiaplasty procedure performed?

Dr. Pasquale has has own private surgical suite in which all cosmetic surgeries are performed. This is preferred to the hospital setting, as privacy is more assured. Additionally Dr. Pasquale’s staff is trained specifically for cosmetic surgery and our clinic dos not have the cross contamination of hospital based germs. However, for special cases Dr. Pasquale has privileges to perform surgery at the Queens Medical Center.

How long does the labiaplasty procedure take?

Labiaplasty at our hawaii clinic typically takes one hour depending on if it is an individual labiaplasty procedure or if other cosmetic procedures will be performed. This is why many of our patients fly in and recover in Hawaii.

Is there pain during the labiaplasty procedure?

No, we provide adequate anesthesia of your choice, local /sedation or general anesthesia is available. We want you to be comfortable and do all we can to assure that you are comfortable during your labaiplasty.

Is there pain during the recovery for labiaplasty?

Our patients tell us that the pain is minimal and can be easily taken care of with the pain medication we provide. Severe pain my be a sign of complication, such as hematoma and you will need to contact us. Our out of state patients can still enjoy the scenic beauty and some of the events here in Hawaii after surgery. However, you cannot go in the ocean until you heal.

Will there be scars from labiaplasty?

The type of tissue that is cut does not noticeably scar as seen in other parts of the body like facial skin. Our technique is such that we only operate on the mucous which like the tissue inside your mouth does not notably scar. Also Dr. Pasquale’s technique following natural lines does not leave a noticeable scar.

Will sexual pleasure be affected after labiaplasty?

Sexual feelings after a labiaplasty depends on the degree of labia abnormality to begin with. If excess labia tissue interferes with sexual activity prior to labiaplasty, then you and your partner may notice improvement after surgery.

Is there a way to alter the color of my labia and the surrounding area?

This will depend on the exact issue, yet in may cases color changes can be made. This can be done with labiaplasty, or without labiaplasty at our Hawaii clinic.

Can labiaplasty be performed with other cosmetic procedures?

Yes, many times in our Hawaii clinic we perform labiaplasty, breast augmentation or liposuction on the same patient.

Does Dr. Pasquale perform “LASER Labiaplasty”?

What this means is that cutting is done with a LASER which he will discuss with you. There are advantages to using the LASER, but there are also disadvantages as well. After this has been discussed you will be given the choice of LASER labiaplasty or not. Yet we want you to be fully aware of each technique in detail before you choose. This information is best discussed at the consultation due to the complexity and controversy of “LASER labiaplasty” .

How long is the recovery?

Most patients are up and about the night after surgery. However you must limit your activity as not to cause pressure on the area of the labiaplasty. Sexual activity can typically be resumed in 4-6 weeks after labiaplasty.

How do I contact you for a virtual consultation if I live somewhere else for labiaplasty?

This can be done through email using our form page which you can submit digital photographs. You should submit photos with your digital camera not including include features which can identify you other than your labia for labiaplasty. This is especially helpful for those who travel distances for labiaplasty at our Honolulu clinic.

Labiaplasty Recovery

All of the recovery for labiaplasty and vaginal surgery wil be given in written form and by verbal instruction before your surgery. This will be indvidualized, as each person is different. In general we discuss a few issues with reagrd to labiaplasty surgery recovery below.

Oral medications are administered and prescribed to reduce pain, as are oral antibiotics to reduce the risk of any infection occurring. Dissolvable sutures are used, so there are no stitches to be removed. Patients are instructed to come in the day after surgery for a post-op check up to evaluate your progress. All patients heal at different rates and react differently to surgery with varying lengths of recovery. Patients can expect the labia and surrounding tissue to be slightly bruised and swollen for several days to weeks after the surgery. Light activities can be resumed as soon as you feel capable. Strenous activity as such should not be undertaken for 2 weeks in most cases. Sexual activity should not be undertaken for 4-6 weeks.

It is extremely important that patients follow all post-op instructions given by Dr. Pasquale and his staff after their surgery. This is the only way to ensure quality, predictable results and faster healing, as well as improved comfort during recovery.

The final result can usually be expected after 2-3 months post op. After healing, the labial incisions are very rarely visible. During your recovery, all feminine hygiene products and sexual intercourse must be avoided for 4-6 weeks to best promote healing and reduce risk of complication. Most patients will be able to return to light work in 3-5 days. Any strenuous activity can be resumed 3-4 weeks later.

Here is one patients account of their process:

My procedure was labiaplasty and vaginoplasty and this was performed using local anesthesia only. I really appreciated the nurses hand holding and care while Dr. Pasquale performed the labiaplasty. The music selection was also great. I felt no pain except minor tingling when he injected the local anesthetic After the procedure was finished I went home and took my pain medication and felt good enough to enjoy my videos. The next day after the post op visit, my husband and I went to the pool for a few hours and the only difficulty I had was a little irritation when i urinated. I only took the pain medication for two days. Although I was very nervous initially about the pain, it was just like they said – very minimal. Dr. Pasquale and his staff were excellent.

Schedule a Consultation

All consultations are complementary.

Consultations are by appointment only.

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(808) 945-5433

Honolulu Hawaii Plastic Surgeon

677 Ala Moana Blvd Suite 1024 Honolulu Hawaii 96813