October 2013 Military and Liposuction Media coverage
Dr. Pasquale as a liposuction authority has been quoted across the globe in over 200 publications ranging from NY Daily News to the Washington Post. Al Jazeera media also featured his expertise recently for his experience with soldiers who seek liposuction
October 13
SAN DIEGO — Soldiers often call plastic surgeon Adam Tattelbaum in a panic. They need liposuction … fast.
Some military personnel are turning to the surgical procedure to remove excess fat from their waists in a desperate attempt to pass the Pentagon’s body fat test, which relies on measurements of the neck and waist and can determine their future prospects in the military.
“They come in panicked about being kicked out or getting a demerit that will hurt their chances at a promotion,” the Rockville, Md., surgeon said.
Service members complain that the Defense Department’s method of estimating body fat weeds out not just flabby physiques but bulkier, muscular builds.
Fitness experts agree and have joined the calls for the military’s fitness standards to be revamped. They say the Pentagon’s weight tables are outdated and do not reflect that Americans are now bigger but not necessarily less healthy.
Defense officials say the test ensures troops are ready for the rigors of combat. The military does not condone surgically altering one’s body to pass the test, but liposuction is not banned.
The Pentagon insists that only a small fraction of service members who exceed body fat limits perform well on fitness tests.
“We want everybody to succeed,” said Bill Moore, director of the Navy’s Physical Readiness Program. “This isn’t an organization that trains them and says, ‘Hey, get the heck out.’”
The Defense Department’s “tape test” uses neck and waist measurements rather than the body mass index, a system based on an individual’s height and weight that is widely used in the civilian world.
Those who fail are ordered to spend months in a vigorous exercise and nutrition program, which Marines have nicknamed the “pork chop platoon” or “doughnut brigade.” Even if they later pass, failing the test once can halt promotions for years, service members say.
Failing three times can be grounds for getting kicked out.
The number of Army soldiers booted for being overweight has jumped tenfold in the past five years from 168 in 2008 to 1,815. In the Marine Corps, the figure nearly doubled from 102 in 2010 to 186 in 2011 but dropped to 132 last year.
The Air Force and the Navy said they do not track discharges tied to the tape test.
Still, service members say they are under intense scrutiny as the military trims its ranks because of budget cuts and the winding down of the Afghan war.
Dr. Michael Pasquale of Aloha Plastic Surgery in Honolulu said his military clientele has jumped by more than 30% since 2011, with about a half-dozen service members coming in every month.
“They have to worry about their careers,” the former soldier said. “With the military downsizing, it’s putting more pressure on these guys.”
Military insurance covers liposuction only if it is deemed medically necessary, not if it is considered cosmetic, which would be the nature of any procedure used to pass the test. The cost of liposuction can exceed $6,000.
26th Annual Korean Society Of Aesthetic Surgery

April 13 2013 Dr. Pasquale is a featured speaker at the 26th Annual Korean Society Of Aesthetic Surgery. This is one of Asia’s top meetings of information among the top cosmetic & plastic surgeons. You can read much information at Dr. Pasquale blog. Dr Pasquale is well known in Asia as a teacher, mentor and lectures there often.